1. 日本船舶海洋工学会(JASNAOE) 日本語論文(クリックして論文参照可能)
★ “ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第9報 水中放射雑音計測結果) , 日本船舶海洋工学会 JASNAOE, 2021
★ “ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第8報 内航貨物船への適用と旋回性能) 日本船舶海洋工学会 ,JASNAOE, 2021
★ “ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第7報 ゲートラダーの実船試験と総合評価) ,JASNAOE, 2018
★“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第6報 船型設計への影響) , JASNAOE, Hiroshima , 27.11.2017
★ “ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発 “(第5報 キャビテーションと振動・騒音への影響) JASNAOE, Tokyo 23th.May.2017
★“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第4報波浪中性能)” JASMAOE, Okayama , 21.11.2016
★ “ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” ( 第3報 操縦性能)” JASNAOE, Fukuoka , 26.05.2016
★ “ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発 (第2報)” , JASNAOE, Tokyo ,22.04.2015
★“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第1報) ,JASNAOE, Nagasaki 20.11.2014
2. 国内外発表 (英語版・日本語版)
- “Free running test of container ship with flap rudder and gate rudder controlled by the autopilot” (JSPC 2024)
- “Recommended tank test procedure of Open type Ducted Propeller (Gate Rudder System”,(AYO 2023)
★”Why Gate Rudder can save fuel more than 20%?”,(ISOST 2023)
★”On the Scale effect of thrust deduction factor for the Gate Rudder vessel”, 「ゲートラダー装備船の推力減少率尺度影響について」(20th SPRC meeting,Nov.2023)
★”On the Structural design of the rudder plate of GATE RUDDER”,(AMT 2023)
★”How we can explain 35-55% energy saving obtained from the target ship MV ERGE” , 『ゲートラダーは、ターゲット貨物船エルゲでの35~55%の省エネをどのように説明できるのか』(INT-NAM 2023)
★”A review of Gate Rudder System Retrofitting of The GATERS Target Ship “MV ERGE”,(JSPC2023)
★”Model ship correction of ships with gate rudder system obtained from the large ship models” (大型模型船を用いたゲートラダーの、水槽実験と就航実績との相関),日本船舶海洋工学会 JASNAOE,Nov.2022
★”CFD Application to a design and performance prediction of innovative ESD “Gate Rudder”(ICCAS2022) as a key note person(short version)
★”ゲートラダー波浪中性能の一考察”(SPRC Jun.2022)
★”CFD Application to Gate Rudder design and Performance prediction”(JSPC2022)
★”Gate Rudder” ,(Motorship ),Jun.2022: Article
★”Vessel course-keeping improvements with new rudder concept”, 34th symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics (Washington.DC.USA.Jun.2022)
★”Joint Sea Trial of ships with Gate Rudder and Conventional Rudder”(RINA 2021)
★“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第9報 水中放射雑音計測結果) , 日本船舶海洋工学会 JASNAOE, 2021
★“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第8報 内航貨物船への適用と旋回性能) 日本船舶海洋工学会 ,JASNAOE, 2021
★EUプロジェクト GATERS の進捗状況』(第81回実海域推進性能研究会)2021年7月、大阪大学
★”Towards a Realistic Estimation of the Powering Performance of a ship with a Gate Rudder System“, JSME 2019 Dec.
★”Gate Rudder Performance“, AMT conference 2019,Rome
★”Trend of Hull Forms for Future Ships” International Symposium on Ocean Science and Technology, Weihai,2019
★”Scale Effect of Gate Rudder and a New Power Prediction Method” 6th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (SMP’19) Rome, 2019
★ ”Measurements and calculations of Gate Rudder Performance”, (JMST2018)
★”Full Scale Performance of Gate Rudder” RINA, London, March.2019
★”Full-scale gate rudder performance obtained from voyage data“, 3rd International Meeting on Progress in Propeller Cavitation, AYO, Istanbul, Nov.2018
★”Cavitation tunnel tests and full-scale review of the first Gate Rudder system installed installed on the 400 TEU container ship” 3rd International Meeting on Progress in Propeller Cavitation, AYO, Istanbul, Nov.2018
“Computational fluid dynamic investigations of propeller cavitation in the presence of a rudder” 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2018),Istanbul
“GATE RUDDER” INT-NAM2018 ,Istanbul, 22.04.2018
“Investigation into the propulsive efficiency characteristics of a ship with the Gate Rudder propulsion” AYO Colloquium,2018
“Tip vortex cavitation simulation of a propeller in a Gate Rudder® system” 3rd International Meeting on Progress in Propeller Cavitation 2018
Advantages of Twin Rudder System with Asymmetric Wing Section aside a Propeller, JMST 2018
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第7報 ゲートラダーの実船試験と総合評価) ,JASMAOE, 2018
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第6報 船型設計への影響) ,JASMAOE, Hiroshima , 27.11.2017
“Trend of Hull Forms for Future Ships “ , ISOST, Qingdao , 23.11.2017
“A New Energy Saving Twin Rudder System- Gate Rudder” Newcastle University
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発 “(第5報 キャビテーションと振動・騒音への影響) JASMAOE, Tokyo 23th.May.2017
“ On the powering methods of Gate Rudder “JSPC , 17.03.2017
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第4報波浪中性能)” JASMAOE, Okayama , 21.11.2016
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” ( 第3報 操縦性能)” JASMAOE, Fukuoka , 26.05.2016
“A prediction program of manoeuvrability for a ship with a gate rudder system“. 2nd International Meeting on Recent Advances in Prediction Techniques for Safe Manoeuvring of Ship and Submarines,2016
“Advantages of twin rudder system with asymmetric wing section aside a propeller“ (JMST) 2015
“ Energy Efficiency of Ships” , IWOST2015, Weihai , 18.07.2015
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発 (第2報)” , JASMAOE, Tokyo ,22.04.2015
“ Energy Efficiency of ships” , Strathclyde University , 27.03.2015
“A new energy saving twin rudder system – Gate Rudder” — University of Strathclyde
“ダクト効果を有する非対称断面ツイン舵船型の開発” (第1報) , JASMAOE, Nagasaki 20.11.2014
“ VIBRATION CONTROL BY PROPELLER DESIGN” AYO Colloquium, Istanbul 06.11.2014
“ The Effect of Antifouling Paints on Long Term Hydrodynamic Performance of Ship in Relation to Energy Efficiency” ICMCF2014, Singapore, 08.07.2014
“Energy Efficiency of Ships” Presentation at Newcastle University , 5th.Nov..2013
“ZEUS & NOAH Project of NMRI“ Project of NMRI, Third International Symposium on Marine Propulsions, smp’ 13 , Tasmania,Australia,May2013
“Calculation Methods of Tidal Turbine Characteristics”, Journal of Marine Engineering Society of Japan, Vol.47; No.4, 2012
“ZEUS Project of NMRI”, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol 50, No.6,2011
“What is the Best Propeller for Zero Emission Ultimate Ship (ZEUS) ?”, Journal of Marine Engineering Society of Japan, Vol.46; No.3,2011
“Practical Calculation Method of Sea Margin”, Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol 8,2009
“Analysis of Speed Drop of large Container Ships Operating in Sea Way”, Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol 6,2008
“Main Towing Tanks of National Maritime Research Institute of Japan”, Journal of Marine Engineering Society of Japan, vol.43,2008
“Energy-saving Technologies for Ships”, Journal of Marine Engineering Society of Japan, vol.41,2006
“Evolution of High Efficiency Propeller with New Blade Section”, Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol 1,2005
“Procedure of Tank test and Powering for Pod Propulsor”, Journal of Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineering of Japan, Vol 5, 2005
“POD推進器に関するEUプロジェクト”, 日本造船学会誌テクノマリン,2004.9
“POD推進器の尺度影響”, 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会シンポジウム,2004.5
“FULL SCALE PERFORMANCE OF DOUBLE ACTING TANKERS “TEMPERA & MASTERA”, 1st International Conference on Technological Advances in Podded Propulsion T-POD,2004.4
“氷海タンカーのプロペラキャビテーション”, 第12回 キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム, 2004.3
“CAVITATION IN ICE-MILLing WTH A PODDED PROPULSOR”, 4th ASME_JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 2003.7
“Economical and environmental evaluation of double acting tanker”, 第19回 「オホーツク海と流氷」に関する国際シンポジウム,2002
“NBS(NewBladeSection)プロペラの利点と実績” 第11回キャビテーションに関するシンポジウム, 2001.9
“Model Tests of Ice Going Double Acting Aframax Tanker” ,6th Canadian Marine Hydrodynamics and Construction Conference,2001.6
“Cavitation Tunnel Tests for Propeller Noise of a FRV and Comparisons with Full-Scale Measurements”, Fourth International Symposium On Cavitation (CAV2001),2001.6
“Intelligent Wave Measurements System WAVEX and Full Scale Trial on Seiunmaru”, 試験水槽委員会,2001.5
“実船のプロペラ荷重度を考慮した操縦性試験法”, 造船学会シンポジウム,2000.10
“船型計画手法の新展開”, 造船学会 水槽シンポジウム、1999.12
“低雑音型プロペラの開発”, 第88回護衛艦技術研究会, 1999.6
“二重反転プロペラ最適設計システムの開発”, 日本造船学会論文集 第180号, 1998.11
”船舶の省エネ付加物の動向”舶用機関学会 33号,1998.9
”水平レーキ付きサーフェスプロペラに関する実験的研究”, 関西造船協会誌 第234号,1999.5
“CPP1軸船の停止性能について(実船実験によるFPPとの比較)”,航海学会論文集 第101号, 1999.5
“船舶の長期性能保証に関わる問題’(造船所の立場から),造船学会,第2回水槽委員会総会, 1999.1.21
“船型可分原理に基づく肥大船操縦流体力微係数の推定法”, 試験水槽委員会,1998.10.20
“Practical Prediction Method of Maneuvering Hydrodynamic Derivatives for Full Ships”, 2nd Conf. for New Ship & Marine Technology, 1998.7
“Design System for Optimum Contra-Rotating Propellers”., Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.180,1998
“Review and Prospect to Energy Saving Device”, Vol 50, No.6,2011s on Ships, Journal of Marine Engineering Society of Japan, vol.33,1998
“Design System of Optimum Contra-rotating Propellers” :Journal of Marine Science and Technology Vol.13 No.1 ,1998
“Progress of CAE for Shipbuilding in Japan”, Newcastle University,1997.11
“省エネ装置「SILD」の開発”, 住友重機械工業(株)技報,1997.6
“船型設計におけるCAEの現状”, 推進性能シンポジウム,1997
“フラップ舵を装備する船舶の操縦性能とその推定”, 日本造船学会論文集 第181号, 1997
“二重反転プロペラの話”, 船長協会,1997
”最適二重反転プロペラの設計法”, 防衛庁艦艇技術連絡会, Nov.1996
“A New Power Prediction Method for a Ship with a High Block Coefficient”, PRADS’92,Varna(Bulgaria),1992.5
“Experimental Study on Karman Vortex Street Shedding from the Trailing Edge of the Wing”, Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.79, 1990
“Study on Contra-rotating Propellers”(4th Report), Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.78, 1989
“Propulsive Efficiency and Cavitation Characteristics of Contra-rotating Propellers designed for a low speed Ship”, Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, vol. 165,1989
“Effect of a Rudder on Propeller Cavitation”, Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.77, 1989
“Study on Contra-rotating Propellers” (3rd Report), Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.76, 1988
“Study on Contra-rotating Propellers” (2nd Report), Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.75, 1988
“Study on Contra-rotating Propellers” (1st Report), Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.74, 1987
“On the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a fin in front of a Propeller” (2nd report), Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.73, 1987
“On the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a fin in front of a Propeller” (1st report),
“Influences of Stern Fin on Wake and Propeller Cavitation” , Journal of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,vol.61, 1981
- “RESISTANCE and PROPULSION”(joint authorship) issued by Seibundo : 04/2018
- “RESISTANCE and PROPULSION”(joint authorship) issued by Seibundo in Japanese version:18/03/2012 (『船体抵抗と推進』(船舶海洋工学シリーズ)成山堂書店:18/03/2012 )、 English version